Worship with us at 10am. Sunday School, 9am. Live streaming of the morning service can be viewed on our YouTube channel. 

Join us sundays at 10am

Steps to Becoming a Member of the FBC Family


1. Membership Class 

Attend our Life Together as a Church membership class (offered periodically and by our Pastor, Stephen Freels). For those unable to attend the scheduled classes when they are offered you can dowload the class notes. You can also watch the Pastor teach the class in abbreviated sessions by clicking on the links below. The class is structured according to FBC's discipleship process: Begin, Connect, Grow, Engage. Click on the following video links:

 2. Membership Interview 

After attending our membership class, if you wish to proceed to become a member of our church family, you should complete a Membership Application and turn it in to our church office. Our Pastor will set up a time to meet with you either at church or in your home to talk further with you  about the gospel and your testimony. He will also seek to answer any questions you have about our church. Since we recognize the term "interview" may sound too formal and somewhat intimidating, we want to be clear that this is an informal and enjoyable time to get to know our Pastor and for him to get to know you as well.

 3. Membership Affirmation

After meeting with Pastor Stephen, the final step in our membership process is to simply make it known publicly at a regular worship service that you wish to become a member of First Baptist. If you have never been baptized by immersion as a believer, we will schedule a time soon for you to be baptized. At the next regular scheduled business meeting of the church, you will be given the option of sharing your salvation testimony with our congregation or having your testimony read by our Pastor or one of our deacons. Pastor Stephen will recommend that the church vote to officially receive you into our membership.

If you have any other questions about church membership, be sure and contact Pastor Steve at stevefreels@gmail.com.

 For more information about the meaning of church membership, please consider reading the following: Why Join a Church? by Don Whitney