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Welcome to our Pastor's blog - soon to be - Elder's blog page. Our hope is that these occasional thoughts and reflections would be a means of encouraging and equipping our members.


Elders Blog

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Elder Recommendations

Church Elders

Elder recommendation forms are being requested April 7-14. ...

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Six Questions for Calling Elders

Elder and Sheep

Six questions for identifying men whom God is calling to be elders....

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Fasting: What It Is & Why You Need It


Since fasting might be new to some, I thought I would share a brief biblical description of what fasting is and why followers of Jesus should fast. ...

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This is My Father's World

This is my Father’s world, The battle is not done:Jesus who died shall be satisfied, And earth and Heav’n be one....

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Good Grief

There is a kind of mourning that those in the kingdom of God feel and experience which those who are outside the kingdom do not. We grieve over the things which grieve God....

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Membership Matters

Church membership, accodring to Mark Dever, is a local church's endorsement of a person's salvation. To be clear, church membership does not mean you are saved neither does becoming a member make you saved. What we are saying when we vote on someone to become a member of our church is that based on what they are sayingand what we are seeing,we believe this individual is a ...

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Preparing for Sunday: Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me

Jesus Christ is the Rock - God incarnate - split open on the cross for us in whom we hide and find shelter from the glory of God's holy justice....

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Sola Scriptura: Scripture Alone

It is good to be alone when such clarity rules out all other options ...

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Jesus is Worth It

What motivates a young couple with two young children to move to the mission field in Argentina? Four words - "Jesus is worth it"....

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New Years Do Not Give Clean Starts

New years do not give clean starts. But Jesus gives clean hearts. You will not be given a clean start so you can then try to make it to heaven. You will be given a clean heart that is fit for heaven....

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